The confusion around coaching

Are you like most people and think coaching is entirely about advising, teaching, therapy, counseling, or consulting?

Well, guess what? You’re not alone.

There’s been a rash of people with no coach specific training calling themselves coaches. Some of these people are bright and highly educated. Many have PhDs and MBAs. Many have been successful business leaders, athletes, and artists.

The problem is they haven’t gone through coach training and they are treading into dangerous territory.

I've heard some horror stories. They get tangled up in ethical dilemmas. They dig into childhood trauma. They force solutions. They don't listen, and they assume they know you. "Making assumptions makes an ass out of you and me," my mother used to say.

I know it’s an unregulated field, but it’s annoying for us coaches who have gone through hundreds of training and coaching hours, worked with supervisors, sent coaching calls for review, taken the three-hour exam, etc.

If you want to work with a coach, make sure you look for one who has an ICF certification. ICF stands for International Coaching Federation and it’s the leading coaching credentialing organization in the world. The ICF sets high standards, providing independent certification and maintains a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. It regularly reviews and updates coaching core competencies and a code of ethics.


A coach will make you work.

A coach will make you think.

A coach will listen.

A coach will ask powerful questions.

A coach will tap into your strengths and experience.

A coach will empower you to pick the right path.

A coach will set limits and stick to them.

A coach believes you are a whole person.

Diana Oehrli

The Swiss-American Executive Coach. Founder of As Diana O Sees it. Karateka and pianist.



Pointing the finger is useless