Pragmatism Diana Oehrli Pragmatism Diana Oehrli

How a new evening journaling practice is proving to benefit me

During the holidays, I read The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success. It was a fast and inspiring read, despite the redundant parts.

My take away?

A new evening journaling practice. Now each evening before bed, I write down:

  • All daily accomplishments or ‘wins’, how ever small (I went for a walk; I paid bills; I wrote the newsletter, etc…)

  • Three or more things I’m grateful for.

  • Three priorities (and only three) for the next day.

“If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any,” wrote American researcher, author and speaker Jim Collins in his book Good to Great.

I can say that my confidence has risen and I’m amazed at how great my life is. Plus, I am can’t believe how much I actually do!

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