From the memoir Diana Oehrli From the memoir Diana Oehrli

Less is more

Today, I went for a short jog around the neighborhood. It felt good. The air was crisp and the sky was cobalt. Keeping it to 20 minutes, I didn’t force the pace and stayed in zone two (a heart rate range allowing one to hold a conversation).

I thought about beginner runners who become obsessed with marathons and running an obscene number of miles. They get hurt and then quit.

Talking about moderation is missing in discussions online. One exception is an interview with plant-based ultra-endurance athlete Rich Roll, who has talked about staying in zone two for an entire year.

I run to release stress. My mom is in the hospital. I am scared she won’t make it out.

Back to running, I am glad I got those 20 minutes in.

The rest of the day fell into place.

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